To the Women We Know and Love and to the Ones We Don't

by Tilda Udufo

April 30

She was not fragile like a flower, she was fragile like a bomb.

Photo by Ayo Ogunseindefrom Unsplash

When I first saw this project for the tribute page on freecodecamp I had no idea who the page was going to be about. It took me three days to come up with this and what baffled was how long it took me to come up with this subject. A subject that I see everyday, laugh with, look up to and will soon become.

So this tribute is for every woman - cis, trans, queer, old, young, mothers, sheroes, sisters and daughters. To the women who are unapolegitically resillient...

Who is a Woman?

When you hear the word woman what comes to your mind? A person with a vagina? A person who looks a certain way? I used to define women by what sexual organ they had but now I know that being a woman is much more than having a vagina. A woman is defined by her heart.

A woman is strong, resillient, able to push past any stereotypes society expects her to fit in. She is a warrior and a queen. She alone decides who she wants to be. But as much as women share these attributes they also have unique traits that make them who they are. When I think about my mum or my sisters the first word that comes to mind is resillience. They have passed through so many storms and come out stronger than ever. I look up to them and one day hope to become warriors just like them.

We all have women in our lives that we love and respect. It could be our teacher, mother, sister, aunt or friend. Why not take the time to tell them how much they mean to you. A kind word could go a long way.

This is a poem about women written by a wonderful poet:

I am a strong, independent woman

Let me repeat myself

You obviously weren’t listening

I am a strong independent woman

Regardless of the words you are telling me that "the sky's the limit"

When i know i can reach for the stars

But your actions are holding me back like gravity

A force meant to be defied

And I will defy your disrespect, mistreatment and misunderstanding

I am strong because I am not afraid to break a nail

To get down and dirty

In fact I will claw, punch and kick my way through your barriers to lead to the top of it all

To my destiny

I will break the chains of social injustice that restrict me

from reaching my dreams and aspirations

I will break free from the cage of your gender stereotypes

I may be a woMAN, a feMALE but you will no longer define me

I am a strong, independent woman

I am independent because I defy those old Disney princess fantasies

You see, I will stop my wicked witch, slay my dragon, and still have time to run my kingdom

I don't need prince charming to save me

And i wont be defined by my shoe size

I am independent because I can think for myself

I don't need Cosmo, 17 nor Vogue to tell me how to dress

I don't need the media to tell me how to look

I don't live in the Malibu Dream House

I don't come with accessories

I will never be Barbie

She's perfect plastic and fake fantasies

While I'm the real deal

I am more than what you see

I am more than my face

I am strong because i can bleed for 5 days and 4 nights and only get so much as a cramp

I can endure the pain of my body being ripped open just to give birth

And underneath all the screams and blood splatter is a woman turned into a mother

I am more than my body

I am a temple that deserves respect

I am brought by Adam

But made HERstory by Eve

And none shall enter my garden

I am not a tool for your pleasure

I am not your servant, maid or chef

I won't fix your breakfast

I won't make your bed

My many uses aren't to be used by you

Don't call me baby, or babe

Do not undermine me

For I am powerful beyond belief

I am a strong, independent woman

I am strong because I am connected to my inner being

my spiritual surroundings and with life all around

Yes, I may live in my emotions sometimes, and you may scrutinize my expression

But I can walk with my head held high and a smile on my face

I have a voice

I have mind

I have a soul

None of which you can control

I will strike you down with my very last breath

Never hesitating to become the woman I'm meant to be

I am strong and independent

I am woman


If you'd like to know about some famous women who have made an impact on the world click this link.